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Chapter 2596 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep89

  • As she continued to explain the rules, Sue was diverted by the not-too-accidental friction coming from a short, body builder type standing directly behind her. Her first inclination was to pull away, but already pressed up against the stage, she had no where to go. He wasn't being too aggressive, but was managing to randomly rub his apparently hardening penis against her ass. The events of the day seemed to have her ripe for the uninvited stimulation being directed her way. So, feeling increasingly naughty and horny, Sue decided to have some fun, and while never acknowledging his presence, would occasionally ever so slightly push her toned ass back into the college boy's crotch.
  • Beth failed to notice Sue's rather discreet dalliance, instead focusing intently as the events on the stage progressed. All the contestants were waiting to down the tequila shots generously supplied by the contest sponsors.
  • Ron had never taken a shot of tequila, or a shot of anything else for than matter, but as he bit into the lemon wedge, and the sour fruit subdued the after taste of the shot, he decided it wasn't too bad. As the tequila began to swim around in his brain, the sexy hostess strolled up and down the line of contestants, passing out what appeared to be an extremely over sized pillow case, along with a small plastic bag.
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